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Field Organization

The ARRL Field Organization Structure

The ARRL divides the United States and its territories into 71 administrative sections. Many sections are comprised of a single state, but a few of the larger states, such as Texas or California, are divided into two more sections.

The membership in each section elects a Section Manager (SM) once every two years. The SM is responsible for managing the Field Organization programs in their section. Through coordinators, the SM recruits ARRL volunteers to staff various crucial program areas.

Nomination information and forms are available by e-mailing Leona Adams, W1LGA, or calling 860-594-0341.

Station Level Appointments

Click on the appointments you're interested in and apply using the easy on-line application for Station Appointment. Your application will be forwarded to your Section Manager for consideration.

Field Organization Appointees are eligible to order a call sign badge.


Section Level Appointments

Under delegated authority of the SM, appointed Section officials manage the station-level appointees and program functions listed above. 

The Section Traffic Manager (STM) manages the National Traffic System activity in the section and supervises Net Managers (NM) and Official Relay Stations.

The Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) implements the section's ARES plan and supervises the following coordinators:


Additional Section Level Appointments:


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